I've just looked up and spent a bit of time reading about Amsoil breaking in oil, it look's like very good stuff, though it's not a product I've personally used before, it's bloody expensive so I hope you get what what pay for!
I see your conundrum, how long has the engine already been run for with the breaking in oil and am guessing you have the synthetic SAE 30 stuff in the there?
As you probably know opinions vary on what is the best oil to use for breaking in. Personally I use a mineral based oil, but that is my preference and what I was taught to use by old school mechanics; I'm not saying what your using is wrong.
What is generally accepted is on first start the engine needs to be revved at a fast idle, between 1300-2000 rpm max and not at a constant speed, the rpm should be carefully fluctuated.
A Llamda of 1 and AFR of 14.7 is perfect as you probably already know.
I wouldn't worry too much about the oil pressure being around 1 bar at hot idle at this stage, as long as it pick's up as soon as you bring the rev's up to say 1500 rpm it's okay.
It's obviously vitally important that no coolant is making it's way into the oil. So are you sure the leak is just external where the extra material was added to the block?
I see your conundrum, how long has the engine already been run for with the breaking in oil and am guessing you have the synthetic SAE 30 stuff in the there?
As you probably know opinions vary on what is the best oil to use for breaking in. Personally I use a mineral based oil, but that is my preference and what I was taught to use by old school mechanics; I'm not saying what your using is wrong.
What is generally accepted is on first start the engine needs to be revved at a fast idle, between 1300-2000 rpm max and not at a constant speed, the rpm should be carefully fluctuated.
A Llamda of 1 and AFR of 14.7 is perfect as you probably already know.
I wouldn't worry too much about the oil pressure being around 1 bar at hot idle at this stage, as long as it pick's up as soon as you bring the rev's up to say 1500 rpm it's okay.
It's obviously vitally important that no coolant is making it's way into the oil. So are you sure the leak is just external where the extra material was added to the block?