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1996 RS2 No spark

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  • #31
    Originally posted by johne View Post
    Are you sure the coil pack modification is wired correctly and working or could that be the source of your no spark?

    Yes, it toggles the K line.

    The immobiliser circuit is in an off-white plastic housing adjacent to the steering column.

    The immobiliser won't prevent the engine from starting but it will prevent the engine from running.

    These cars are too early to have a comfort module.
    Thanks for the info Johne,
    Is the immo like the newer stuff where it'll allow it to start for a second then die?
    I have had an oscilloscope on the coil outputs while cranking but am seeing nothing so assumed the ecu at fault. From a wiring diagram i found online the coil upgrade looks to be wired correctly.
    I have seen the white box above the ignition barrel.
    With vcds at the diag plug in the fusebox i can talk to the immo, abs, airbags etc but not the ECM. Working on the pinout info from this site i was hoping i could communicate on the bench but i get nothing on the kline.
    I just need to prove that the engine is able to run and sounds ok then the car will be stripped for restoration.


    • #32
      Todays update......
      Found some immo info yesterday and if correct i have disabled the immobiliser by joining some wires at the immo box, sadly i'm still in the same position with no spark! I still have comms via vcds with some modules but still nothing from the ECM.
      I think although i had immo faults stored previously that the immo wasn't the issue as i was seeing kline messages at the ECM pin55 which i believe i wouldn't have seen if the immo was active?
      I was reading this post- by UrS4boy which explains how theignition system functions so going to work through this and hopefully find something amiss.


      • #33
        PM sent


        • #34
          Just a quick message to say that i begrudgingly sent the ecm away for testing and they've confirmed that it is faulty and not switching the coils/injectors.
          They say they can repair it so i'll update here when i get it back.


          • #35
            Any working non immo aby or adu should start the car if you just want to make sure whether its the ecu or not

            Also an aby ecu can be modded to rs2 spec


            • #36
              Originally posted by sal_s2 View Post
              Any working non immo aby or adu should start the car if you just want to make sure whether its the ecu or not

              Also an aby ecu can be modded to rs2 spec
              Hi, yes i was aware of this but finding an immo off ecu wqas proving difficult and after testing i was 90% sure it must be the ecu causing the problem.

