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Checksum correction plugin for 3B ECU and tuner pro!

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  • Checksum correction plugin for 3B ECU and tuner pro!

    I made a tuner pro checksum plugin from PRJ's for the 3B ECU's. It works the same identical way as PRJ's does, it detects the chip size to verify if its the motor or boost chip than makes the checksum corrections. You put this DLL in your tuner pro plugin folder than once you open tuner pro and go into your XDF header>Checksums tab>Add checksum button>Select M2.3.2 Tuner Pro Checksum Plug-in for 3B from the drop down>save everything and your ready to go!

    The text file attached is not really a text file. it is the DLL plugin file. download the txt file and once you have it change the extension from 3B_M232csum.txt to 3B_M232csum.dll than put the file in your tuner pro plugin directory. This forum does not allow DLL files to be uploaded directly but it does accept what it thinks is a text file .
    Attached Files
    "The really good drivers got the bugs on the side windows." Walter Röhrl

  • #2
    You need to post the source code for this, if you are going to share it openly. Please do so. -


    • #3
      copy and paste this over the data in TPM232Plugin.ccp from your source and visual studio will spit out the DLL for 3B plugin. simple enough.

      // File:    TPChecksumPluginSample.cpp
      // Desc:    This file implements a simple checksum plugin-in DLL. It can be used as a
      //          base-line for your own plug-in, or as an educational example of the plug-in
      //          architecture.
      //          Documentation should have been distributed with the TunerPro Developer SDK.
      //          Also make sure to study ITPPlugin.h for more information on the plug-in
      //          architecture.
      // Copyright (c) Mark Mansur. All rights reserved. This source code is *not*
      // redistributable, and may be obtained only by permission from its author, Mark Mansur.
      // For information, please see, or contact
      #include "stdafx.h"
      #include "rpc.h" // for GUID used for unique identifier
      #include "MMChecksumPlugin.h"
      // We'll use this to return a meaningful error message to the application upon request
      CHAR g_strLastError[1024];
      // Every checksum plug-in needs to have a unique identifier. This identifier allows
      // TunerPro to determine if the plug-in has already been loaded. Every time you create
      // a new checksum plug-in DLL, you should create a new GUID to uniquely identify it.
      #define PLUGIN_GUID     "F8D30EED-CDA3-40DD-BDC2-1C5A8CBD51B4"
      // A single checksum plug-in can implement many different types of checksums and checksum
      // calculations. This sample will implement 2 different kinds. The application will
      // reference the checksum by index, so we'll define those indexes here.
      //  There are four C functions that need to be exported from the DLL in order for
      //  TunerPro to successfully load and interact with the plug-in DLL. They are:
      //  HRESULT MMCSGetChecksumPluginInfo(MMCHECKSUMPLUGININFO* pPluginInfoStruct);
      //  HRESULT MMCSGetChecksumInfo(DWORD dwIndex, MMCHECKSUMINFO* pCSInfoStruct);
      //  HRESULT MMCSCalculateChecksum(MMCHECKSUMCALC* pCalcInfo);
      //  HRESULT MMCSGetLastErrorMessage(CHAR* strTextOut, DWORD cbTextOut);
      // We'll implement them here. To tell the compiler that we want to export these
      // functions from the DLL, they are prefaced with __declspec(dllexport). To tell the
      // compiler to treat them as plain C (rather than C++), they're also prefaced with
      // extern "C".
      // Func: MMCSgetChecksumPluginInfo (Exported)
      // Desc: The application will call this function to gather information about the
      //       plug-in module. The application will use the returned info to make use of the
      //       plug-in. Some of the info returned by the plug-in may be displayed to the user.
      extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
      HRESULT MMCSGetChecksumPluginInfo(MMCHECKSUMPLUGININFO* pPluginInfoStruct)
          HRESULT hr = S_OK;
          // Clear the last error text
          g_strLastError[0] = '\0';
          // The application will pass in a structure for us to fill in. Let's check the size of
          // the structure the app passed, just to make sure we're on the same version
          if ( !pPluginInfoStruct )
              hr = E_INVALIDARG;
              goto Exit;
          if ( pPluginInfoStruct->cbStructSize != sizeof(MMCHECKSUMPLUGININFO) )
              goto Exit;
          // Uniquely identify this plug-in DLL
          UuidFromStringA((RPC_CSTR)PLUGIN_GUID, &pPluginInfoStruct->ID);
          // Tell the application what contract version we're implementing
          pPluginInfoStruct->dwContractVersion = MMCS_CONTRACT_VERSION;
          // Tell the application how many checksum types we're implementing
          pPluginInfoStruct->dwChecksumCount = CHECKSUM_COUNT;
          // User friendly version string
          StringCbCopyA(pPluginInfoStruct->strVersion, ARRAYSIZE(pPluginInfoStruct->strVersion),
          // Info about the author
          StringCbCopyA(pPluginInfoStruct->strAuthor, ARRAYSIZE(pPluginInfoStruct->strAuthor),
          // User-friendly name of the module
          StringCbCopyA(pPluginInfoStruct->strName, ARRAYSIZE(pPluginInfoStruct->strName),
              "M2.3.2 TunerPro Checksum Plug-in for 3B");
          // User-friendly description of the module
          StringCbCopyA(pPluginInfoStruct->strDesc, ARRAYSIZE(pPluginInfoStruct->strDesc),
          return hr;
      // Func: MMCSGetChecksumInfo (Exported)
      // Desc:
      extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
      HRESULT MMCSGetChecksumInfo(DWORD dwIndex, MMCHECKSUMINFO* pCSInfoStruct)
          HRESULT hr = S_OK;
          // Clear the last error text
          g_strLastError[0] = '\0';
          if ( !pCSInfoStruct )
              hr = E_INVALIDARG;
              goto Exit;
          if ( pCSInfoStruct->cbStructSize != sizeof(MMCHECKSUMINFO) )
              goto Exit;
          // Return info about the checksum
          switch ( dwIndex )
          case CHECKSUM_M232:
              StringCbCopyA(pCSInfoStruct->strName, ARRAYSIZE(pCSInfoStruct->strName),
                  "M2.3.2 Checksum for 3B");
              StringCbCopyA(pCSInfoStruct->strDesc, ARRAYSIZE(pCSInfoStruct->strDesc),
                  "Auto detect boost/fuel chip.");
              StringCbCopyA(pCSInfoStruct->strVersion, ARRAYSIZE(pCSInfoStruct->strVersion),
              // No specific data size expected
              pCSInfoStruct->cbExpectedDataSize = 0;
          return hr;
      // Func: MMCSCalculateChecksum (Exported)
      // Desc: The application will call this function to calculate a checksum. The structure
      //       passed in gives the plug-in all of the info necessary to do the work, including
      //       the index of the checksum calculation to use. Note that some of the info can be
      //       ignored by the plug-in if it isn't needed. More complex checksum calculations,
      //       for instance, may not use some of the information passed in.
      extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
      HRESULT MMCSCalculateChecksum(MMCHECKSUMCALC* pCalcInfo)
          HRESULT hr = S_OK;
          // Clear the last error text
          g_strLastError[0] = '\0';
          if ( !pCalcInfo )
              hr = E_INVALIDARG;
              goto Exit;
          if ( pCalcInfo->cbStructSize != sizeof(MMCHECKSUMCALC) )
              goto Exit;
          // Verify that we have data to work on
          if ( !pCalcInfo->pBaseData || !pCalcInfo->cbBaseData )
              hr = E_INVALIDARG;
              goto Exit;
          // Calculate and store the checksum. The caller tells us which
          // checksum calculator to use.
          switch ( pCalcInfo->dwChecksumIndex )
          case CHECKSUM_M232:
                  if (pCalcInfo->cbBaseData == (1024*32)) {
                      // Fuel chip, checksum range 0x0000-0x7EFF, stored at 0x7F00/0x7F01. Sum No carry.
                      WORD csum = 0;
                      for (UINT ui = 0; ui <= 0x7EFF; ui++) {
                          csum += pCalcInfo->pBaseData[ui];
                      pCalcInfo->pBaseData[0x7F00] = csum / 256;
                      pCalcInfo->pBaseData[0x7F01] = csum % 256;
                  } else if (pCalcInfo->cbBaseData == (1024*8)) {
                      // Boost chip, checksum range 0x0000-0x1FFF, stored at 0x1FFA, 0x1FFB. Also double stack automatically.
                      WORD csum = 0;
                      for (UINT ui = 0; ui < 0x1FFA; ui++) {
                          csum += pCalcInfo->pBaseData[ui];
                      csum += pCalcInfo->pBaseData[0x1FFE];
                      csum += pCalcInfo->pBaseData[0x1FFF];
                      csum += 0xFF;
                      csum += 0xFF;
                      pCalcInfo->pBaseData[0x1FFA] = csum / 256;
                      pCalcInfo->pBaseData[0x1FFB] = csum % 256;
                      pCalcInfo->pBaseData[0x1FFC] = 0xFF - (csum / 256);
                      pCalcInfo->pBaseData[0x1FFD] = 0xFF - (csum % 256);
                  } else {
                      hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INCORRECT_SIZE);
                      StringCbCopyA(g_strLastError, ARRAYSIZE(g_strLastError),
                          "Expected data size is 8KB (boost) or 32KB (fuel)");
              StringCbCopyA(g_strLastError, ARRAYSIZE(g_strLastError),
                  "Invalid Checksum Index");
          return hr;
      // Func: MMCSGetLastErrorMessage (Exported)
      // Desc: When an error occurs in the plug-in, the plug-in can format a user friendly
      //       error string. The application may request this string to give the user more
      //       information on what went wrong. It generally only makes sense to format an
      //       error string for failures that are a result of the definition author or
      //       end user.
      extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
      HRESULT MMCSGetLastErrorMessage(CHAR* strTextOut, DWORD cbTextOut)
          HRESULT hr = S_OK;
          StringCbCopyA(strTextOut, cbTextOut, g_strLastError);
          return hr;
      Last edited by vwnut8392; 24 October 2018, 19:00.
      "The really good drivers got the bugs on the side windows." Walter Röhrl

