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UN4 Gauge and AUX face

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  • UN4 Gauge and AUX face

    Is it possible to change the faces on the UN4 type clusters?

  • #2
    Originally posted by 80cab96 View Post
    Is it possible to change the faces on the UN4 type clusters?
    Main instrument cluster faces, yes they remove.
    Well, they did in the UK versions (Useless fact - remember reading somewhere the UN4 gear was manufactured in the UK)
    I ripped apart a set to see how they worked a few years ago.

    Looks from your profile you are in the USA? can't see them being any different.

    No idea on the aux gauges, in fact I don't think the aux gauges were ever UN4. Could be wrong.

    2001 Avus Silver B5 RS4.
    2004 A4 Avant 1.8T quattro Sport-LE.
    1995 S2 Coupe - sold (sniff)


    • #3
      Not Usa

      Actually i am in Sweden! And the car is imported from Germany! Hope that makes it clearer!

      Do you have access to step by step guide to how to do so?

      You see i am about to pull my hair out!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by 80cab96 View Post
        Actually i am in Sweden! And the car is imported from Germany! Hope that makes it clearer!

        Do you have access to step by step guide to how to do so?

        You see i am about to pull my hair out!!!
        Which part are you getting stuck with?
        The removal of the faces themselves, or dismantling the instrument cluster?
        2001 Avus Silver B5 RS4.
        2004 A4 Avant 1.8T quattro Sport-LE.
        1995 S2 Coupe - sold (sniff)


        • #5

          I was sett to go but then i saw that the 0 stop pins are in the way. When i googled i found out if i remove the 0 stop pins my gauges wont work anymore, so i stoped att dismounting the cluster.

          If dont feel comfortable enough to start just dismantling everthing without going through a guide first.

          But i can say that my main problem is the 0 stop pins (needle) and the speedo needle and the faces themselves.

          If you could guide me on that, then i think i might be able to do it.


          • #6
            Can't say I had any problems with the stop pin.
            The needle is probably the hardest part, You have to be very careful not to try and force it out to hard or quickly or you run the risk of really breaking the mechanism it's attached to.
            Use this guide here >>> Linky
            Best advice, just take your time, if you feel like something is going to break, then don't force it and stop.

            2001 Avus Silver B5 RS4.
            2004 A4 Avant 1.8T quattro Sport-LE.
            1995 S2 Coupe - sold (sniff)


            • #7

              thats a great guide

              from the link



              • #8

                Mille gracie - that is great.

                by the way, do you remember how you took out your 0 stop pins?

                Thanks again... you been of great help!


                • #9
                  It's such a long time ago now, but if I remember right the stop pin stays in place. Once the needle is removed and the two small screws that hold the face on are removed, the face lifts off and the pin stays on.

                  2001 Avus Silver B5 RS4.
                  2004 A4 Avant 1.8T quattro Sport-LE.
                  1995 S2 Coupe - sold (sniff)


                  • #10

                    Well what can i say... If you ever need anything from Sweden or you passing by - just pm.

                    I owe you a BIG ONE.



                    • #11
                      Speedo going crank

                      I fooked up my speedo - anfortunately the needle just poped out as soon as i tried to pull it out. Didn´t even force it. So now it starts at 60 KMH.

                      Can it be fixed and if so how?

                      If not gues gotta get a new one or maybe replace the whole UN4 cluster with a VDO from S2.

                      Is it possible to just switch to the S2 cluster without any tinkering?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 80cab96 View Post
                        So now it starts at 60 KMH.
                        Not sure what you mean there? Can you not remove it again and set it in position at zero?
                        2001 Avus Silver B5 RS4.
                        2004 A4 Avant 1.8T quattro Sport-LE.
                        1995 S2 Coupe - sold (sniff)


                        • #13

                          No, that wont do anything. The only way seems to be to get a cluster without the glas on the front move all the meters from old cluster to it and put in the needle when the car is running.

                          Start the car and put the speedo dial at 0 and the tach dail at maybe 800-1000 rpm (that is a guess at what it normaly is when the engine is on). But for the tach there might be other ways of finding out the exact rpm.

                          So people if you gonna chage the faces on your UN4 - DON´T!!!!

                          #1 - Geting the dial out without the nnedle poping out is hard to do. If the needle does come out - get a new cluster/new meters or a broken cluster without glas so you can calibrate.

                          #2 - the new faces must have stop pins ( at the 0 marks - se orignal cluste). Puting them on manualy might be difficult geting it exact in the same spot.

                          At the end - if your new faces doesn´t have stop pins then maybe you should forget all about it anyway.

                          But it is not over at that. Luckly there might be a solution. I just ordered some thing that might prove to be a much easier task.

                          I will post the result of that when i am done.

