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OBD Data Logging / Video Overlay

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  • OBD Data Logging / Video Overlay

    I started looking into real-time data logging whilst investigating how one could overlay this onto video footage.

    I've known about iPhone apps like Harry’s GPS LapTimer which come highly recommended and which allow you to log all sorts of data along with video and combine them to produce videos with performance and running stats.

    So, just to complicate things, i got thinking about how i could do that with my GoPro camera rather than the iphone camera, and how i could get the data from the car to use - ultimately it would be cool to end up with 1080p video combined with rpm, speed, tps and GPS position.

    The video is sorted with the GoPro camera, and software such as DashWare allows you to combine video from one source with data from another.

    Harry's LapTimer recommends using an external GPS antenna to accurately get your position, so that's sorted, and (this is where things get difficult) an OBDII hook-up to get the data from the car.

    There are varying connectors for this such as the GoPoint Technology's BT1 or GL1 or OBDLink Scan Tool, both of which ultimately transmit data from the cars OBDII socket to the iPhone for data logging.

    Now, as we all know the S2 doesn't have OBDII, only the older OBD. I know we have cables that convert OBDII connectors to the 2x2 KL connector in the S2, but that doesn't mean we're using the OBDII protocol/standard, so my question is would one of these OBDII devices above still allow the stats to be logged on the iPhone for use overlaying on the video?

    The other thing i was thinking is that i have the Zeitronix ZT2 system already in-place with all the stats i need, however it doesn't look like there is a way to get OBDII out of it to use.

    I could log the data from the Zeitronix kit with a seperate data logger, but then i'd also need to log GPS data separately AND combine it all together with the video footage. The DashWare software looks capable of doing this, but im not sure with multiple data-sources, whether it has Zeitronix compatibility, and how on earth i'd be able to sync it all together.

    Any ideas?! Administrator

  • #2
    Yes, use my high speed data logging system with a laptop/dash pc.
    If you sync the computer clock and the video camera clock, then it should not be a problem to align either. -


    • #3
      Ok been thinking about this a little more...

      I need to keep the GPS data and OBD/Zeitronix data together and in sync i think, then worry about syncing up the video afterwards which should be easy with DashWare anyway.

      It makes sense to do this on the iphone with something like Harry's LapTimer, with optional external GPS antenna, and then merge it with the GoPro video.

      I'm certain i could get the Zeitronix data exported and formatted in a way that i could import it into DashWare, but then its still not syncd, so i need to get it or the data from the OBD interface into the iPhone. Administrator


      • #4
        If you want to code - I have a driver for winlog that can log both OBD I or my special protocol.
        Winlog also supports your zeitronix unit. So that's 1 problem solved.

        Forget doing it "all on your phone", not doable. -


        • #5
          Originally posted by prj View Post
          Yes, use my high speed data logging system with a laptop/dash pc.
          If you sync the computer clock and the video camera clock, then it should not be a problem to align either.
          Was hoping you'd come along

          If i can get some kind of clock with the data from the car then that saves half the problem, which is syncing it all up.

          Does your data logging system run off OBD?

          I want to avoid having anything rolling around the car (thinking on-track) so hooking it all up to the iphone sounded ideal, then just a simple merge and overlay with the video feed afterwards.

          I dont understand much about the differences between OBD and OBDII. If OBDII is just an extension of OBD with additional channels then it should be possible to just use one of these OBDII transmitters and log the channels i want on the iPhone... problem is it's never just that simple.


          • #6
            OBD I only specifies part of the physical/transport layer. The OBD II protocol specifies the protocol layer as well and places strict requirements on the physical layer.

            Thus with OBD I, everyone had their own connectors and their protocols.
            With OBD II everyone had to have certain protocols implemented and use the same connector in addition to including their own protocols.

            If you don't want stuff rolling around mount a windows based tablet permanently in your car.


            • #7
              Is your special protocol a feature of my ECU now that you've mapped it?

              A windows tablet combined with OBD data, Zeitronix data (not really required if OBD is all there, besides WB O2), and a separate GPS feed would do the trick.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sonic View Post
                Is your special protocol a feature of my ECU now that you've mapped it?
                Yes, it is.

                But it was never meant to be used all the time, as there are some niggles with it, that are related to fault code transmission between the two halves of the "brain".

                Basically if you unplug the N75 your car will stall for example.
                Not a problem during mapping, but a pretty big deal if you are just driving along.

                That said - It is pretty easy to customize measuring blocks in the ECU. And if you are happy with about 4 times/sec updates, then it is possible to log it over the normal protocol, which can be on all the time and won't cause any anomalies.


                • #9
                  Just got myself an Innovate LM-2. Can record up to 16 channels. Awaiting for a free day to play with it with my car and see what I get back from the data. Logworks in a downloadable dashboard and plays the LM-2 data back. I'm in Stockport if you want to plug it in and take some readings.
                  quattro - Original 4WD rallying
                  Rally Car photos

