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i love my car...

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  • i love my car...

    Aha!....Another day in the life of the audi niggle!

    Just done a 400 mile round trip to brum and back, and my better half pointed something out that I spotted soon after..
    Accelerate at 50 in third or fourth, and when on full or mostly full throttle, I can hear and feel something going on between the throttle it goes away!!
    Gonna have a mooch around for it tomorrow, along with a few other things but anyone got any ideas?


  • #2
    exhaust or prop i'd say


    • #3
      yeah, prop is my suspect......As it happens the rear bolts came loose a couple of weeks ago, so looks like its the fronts or the centre bearing, which are a git to do....oh well....I have had some peace and quiet with the car..about a months I should have expected this. I wish sometimes I was a person who doesn't have a toolkit..


      • #4
        Originally posted by bernsaudi View Post
        I wish sometimes I was a person who doesn't have a toolkit..

        never say that because then you'd just be one of the sheep that pay £50+ for an hours labour for something you could do for nothing and probably quicker and better than some so called mechanics.

        These cars do require more than some cars but reward you when they are on song. Its worth sticking with it.

        And yeah sounds like something ain't right with the prop.


        • #5
          Centre bearing on prop....One heinous bodge concerning pipe and sealer and the noise is gone, and its probably stronger than original.
          The toolkit thing.....finished just as it started to rain!!!Makes a change! Suppose I'd better get a new one.

          Anyone got a definitive on centering it?

          Ive been on the spanners for years in various guises, and when I no longer had time I got others to do it, and apart from my mate, they have all talked out of their backsides and then shown to be complete twits, and I have had to end up doing remedial work.

          My mate has another policy with me....admit to nothing, warranty void if vehicle used, trust in god all others pay cash and all fags and sundries in vehicle are subject to jobs but I can kick him out of his pit at 3 in the morning and he'll come and laugh at me, then bodge or repair depending on inclination. Either way I (or he) does my spannering now.

